City of Heroes
Cold State

Here's my second City of Heroes character mod, a tanker named Cold State. He is made from the Mutant Mayhem Hulk sculpt with a head from Radioactive Man and hands from the Green Lantern set's Kilowog. Quite a bit of greenstuff was used to add the custom boots, the vest, the belt, and the hair.

Cold State has invulnerability and ice melee for his power sets. It's pretty difficult to find a good dial in HeroClix for a tanker, who mostly soaks up damage without being able to do terribly much damage themselves, unless you're looking for someone with super strength. Since I was not, I had to pick the best of some pretty bad options to represent him. At first I settled for Balder's dial, but that dial just dealt way too much damage down the whole dial. Eventually I was convinced to switch to the Giant-Size X-Men Blob dial, passing super strength off as the temporary damage-increasing power "Build Up." He now performs pretty much like Cold State in-game, soaking up tons of damage and tying up opposing figures while only dealing a little damage himself.

Posted: 09-Apr-2012

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