This is Helena Wayne, the pre-Crisis Earth-Two version of the Huntress and daughter of that Earth's Batman and Catwoman. She is composed of the upper body of a Jade from Legacy, the legs (and hip pack) of Shadow Lass, and the head of the Sinister version of Shadowcat. She's holding a crossbow from her post-Crisis counterpart, the Hypertime Huntress, and wearing the cape of a Hypertime Batman. Her paperclip wire rope is attached to the pillar from Question's sculpt, with the bottom of a second pillar from Question to make it taller. The rest of the details are greenstuff. She is sporting the dial of the veteran Phantom Lady from Origin. Helena, along with her father Commissioner Wayne, was created for the 13th Order of the Golden Puppet Master Mod Contest at HCRealms.
Posted: 21-Aug-2007