This is Thara Ak-Var, host of the Flamebird, from the New Krypton story arc. Her body and legs are from a Firestar, with about half her right foot replaced with a Mon-El foot to move the flight peg. Her arms are replaced with Ultimates Marvel Girl, and her head comes from a Checkmate Knight. Behind her are flames borrowed from an Air-Walker, added after she was fully painted. Her dial is the Origin experienced Supergirl, giving her a Kryptonian dial with the Superman Ally team ability and some focus on ranged combat. I initially ignored the black areas of her costume on her arms and legs under the mistaken impression that there were different versions of the costume. While working on Nightwing and after realizing that they were only omitted in less detailed drawings of Flamebird, I have gone back and tried to carefully add them, and I think I was able to do them pretty well despite the flames getting in the way. Posted: 19-Jun-2010
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